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United Fresh Taps D.C. Veteran for Government Relations Staff

Kam Quarles has joined United Fresh Produce Association (United Fresh) as its new v.p. of government relations and legislative affairs. Quarles replaces Autumn Veazey, former director of government affairs.
Quarles, a veteran in both agricultural policy and the inner workings of Congress, for the past four years was the vice president of government affairs for the National Council of Farmer Cooperatives, one of the largest national agricultural trade associations, where he represented two million farmers and ranchers.

He previously spent four years as managing director of the Washington, D.C. office for Sunkist Growers, the world's largest citrus marketing cooperative. He also worked as a congressional aide on Capitol Hill for three years.
United Fresh president Tom Stenzel praised Quarles' accomplished government affairs expertise and strong industry background that will enable the Washington, D.C.-based group further bolster its presence on Capitol Hill for the remainder of 2008 while strengthening its role to address fresh produce key policy issues before a new administration and Congress in 2009.

"He has worked on agricultural issues in DC for many years, and he already knows many of the key decisions makers in Congress and in the Administration, which means that he will be an effective member of our government relations team immediately," said Stenzel.
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