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Unified Western Grocers Sponsors Summer Youth Program

LOS ANGELES - Wholesale grocery cooperative Unified Western Grocers, Inc. is teaching 48 high school students how the supermarket industry works first hand, via its 11th annual summer youth employment program.

The students -- 31 of whom are from the Los Angeles metropolitan area, 6 from Portland, Ore. and 11 from Northern California -- are spending seven weeks working at various departments and divisions of Unified throughout the West Coast.

This year's program kicked off on June 25 and will conclude on August 10 with "graduation" and farewell luncheons in Los Angeles, the Bay Area, and Portland.

The students are paid for the time they spend working on behalf of the company, and spend a major portion of their time learning how the grocery distribution business works.

In addition to hands-on seminars that explain various aspects of Unified's business, students participate in extensive facility tours that include the company's distribution centers, manufacturing operations, and participating members' retail grocery stores. Students also have the opportunity to win scholarships to further their education.

Unified Western Grocers, Inc. supplies independent retailers throughout the Western United States.
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