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UNFI Appoints CEO Steven Spinner Chairman

United Natural Foods Inc. (UNFI) has appointed its CEO Steven Spinner to the position of chairman of the board, effective following the wholesaler’s annual stockholder’s meeting in December. Spinner succeeds Michael Funk, co-founder and former CEO; Funk will remain a director.

“Thanks to Steve’s leadership over the last eight years, UNFI has undergone a dramatic evolution,” said James Heffernan, UNFI’s lead independent director.

Spinner has been president and CEO of Providence, R.I.-based UNFI, as well as a member of the board, since 2008. During that time, net sales increased from $3.5 billion in fiscal 2009 to $8.5 billion in fiscal 2016.

“We have accomplished a great deal in building our business and developing an incredibly talented team of people, and we believe we are beginning to see the results of our strategic initiatives,” Spinner said.

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