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UFCW Backs Obama

WASHINGTON -- The United Food and Commercial Workers Union said it has endorsed Barack Obama for president of the United States. UFCW president Joe Hansen explained in a statement that union believed that "Senator Obama's message of changing hope into reality has inspired our members, particularly our young members, across the country."

According to Hansen, the UFCW is the largest union of young workers, with over 40 percent of its membership under the age of 30.

Hansen said that while both Democratic candidates Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama "have a vision to change America," UFCW decided "Senator Obama is the best candidate to build a movement to unite our country that will deliver the type of change that is needed -- for good jobs, affordable health care, retirement security, and worker safety."

Obama's background makes him uniquely qualified to lead the nation, the union said. "As a community organizer, he understands that America must restore the balance between working America and corporate America," said Hansen. "He will fight to level the playing field on behalf of workers across our country. He will fight to regain the rights and protections workers have lost after too many years of the Bush Administration."

Hansen said the union will support Obama by "mobilizing, organizing and energizing our members" in his behalf.

UFCW represents more than 1.3 million workers, primarily in the retail and meatpacking, food processing and poultry industries.
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