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Thirty-five Magazines Launched This Quarter

New York -- The trend of niche consumer publishing reported by consumer magazine association Magazine Publishers of America at its Retail Conference earlier this year is still growing. Thirty-five magazine launches, mostly niche publications, were recorded in the third quarter of 2005, according to MPA research.

The publications range in editorial focus and type, from magazines serving policemen and law enforcement professionals to titles dedicated to music, archery, and travel. The newest titles include nine new lifestyle magazines, six magazines for women, five titles serving African Americans, and four magazines focusing on the arts and special hobbies.

To date, 207 launches have been identified in 2005. These magazines serve a variety of special information needs: one was developed for young children who use wheelchairs; another catered specifically to the wives of professional athletes. This year has also seen America's diverse population reflected in new magazines, with 23 new titles aimed at African Americans, Hispanics, and Asian Americans.

Major publishers who announced launches in the third quarter include:

--Time Inc. & Sunset Publishing: Living 101
-- Ogden Publications: Motorcycle Classics Magazine
-- TransWorld Media: Quad Off-Road Magazine
-- Chicagoland Publishing & Tribune Media Services: Satisfaction

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