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Teradata and IRI to Deliver Integrated Data and Analytics Solutions to CPG Industry

CHICAGO and DAYTON, Ohio -- Market information supplier Information Resources Inc. (IRI), and data warehousing and analytics solutions provider Teradata, aim to arm CPG companies with better data management solutions through a new partnership.

In the deal, IRI and Teradata (a division of NCR Corp.) have worked out a deal to jointly supply data management and business-performance management solutions to CPG vendors, which in turn will use the tools to better serve retailers, the two new partners said. IRI and Teradata will support supply-and-demand chain activities that include improved category and assortment planning, vendor-managed inventory, and sales and marketing analysis using daily customer-transaction information.

"This partnership brings together two strong players in the consumer products industry who truly understand the power of demand signals within a demand-driven supply network framework," said Kara Romanow, research director for business technology consulting firm AMR Research, who was familiar with the deal. "The combination delivers a demand signal repository with powerful analytics and data out of the box."

The Teradata warehouse, in combination with IRI's workflow and decision-support applications, will enable CPG companies to combine all sources of point-of-sale data -- including data directly shared by retailers, in addition to IRI and other syndicated market information -- with order, shipment, invoice, trade promotions, financial, and other enterprise data.

The solution is Web-based, and can be used by CPG companies that are not running Teradata on their systems.

"CPG companies are striving to provide better support to their retail customers by rapidly responding to demand signals," said Dan Odette, v.p. of Teradata Global Industry Consulting. "With Teradata and IRI, they can now drive their business with the same analytic power that the world's largest retailers use. The combination of the Teradata warehouse and our expertise in data modeling with IRI's real-time market information, advanced analytics and decision-support solutions will enable manufacturers to analyze their data down to the individual-item and retail-outlet level."

Teradata and IRI are already working with several early adopters of the offering, which will be made generally available in the second quarter of 2005.
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