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In-Store Ads Work, Says Media Study

NEW YORK -- In-store advertising in grocery stores can be an effective complement to other forms of advertising, according to a Sensor Study released by Mediaedge:cia, an agency specializing in media buying and communications planning for brands.

Among the highlights of the study:
-- 51 percent of shoppers still move through all the aisles in the grocery store, making them a perfect target for exposure to in-store media. But most younger shoppers (aged 18-24) do not follow any specific pattern, making it a greater challenge to reach them.
-- 64 percent of grocery store shoppers aged 18 to 44 claim their children influence their brand decision.
-- More than a third of grocery store shoppers say that in-store ads influence them to purchase a new product or to try a different brand than they usually use.
-- 44 percent of grocery store shoppers notice the average in-store ad. The most noticed are end-aisle displays and store leaflets/magazines; the least-noticed are shopping cart ads and in-store TV. More than 3/4 of those who notice the in-store ads are likely to purchase the advertised brand.
-- Different age groups respond to different types of in-store media:
-- Product demonstrations are more effective amongst older shoppers (55-64)
-- Store leaflets and magazines get best response from shoppers aged 45-54
-- Shelf signs are more effective amongst 25-44 year-olds
-- Product packaging, check-out counter ads, and ads around store entrances and parking lots get better results with 35-44 year-olds.
In-store advertising is expanding, and serves as an effective complement to other communication efforts in the era of channel neutral planning, said Mediaedge:cia.
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