Stater Bros. Goes to Wall for Vietnam Vets
Throughout the July 4 weekend, Stater Bros. Charities and Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 47 will be hosting an exact replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall for the community to view in Fontana, Calif.
The replica, which will be open 24 hours a day at no charge to the public, was set up yesterday at the Auto Club Speedway on 9300 Cherry Ave. Today at 10 a.m., a Special Wall Ceremony will be held, and on July 4 at 7 p.m. a Final Roll Call Ceremony will be performed.
According to Stater Bros. Charities, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit public benefit corporation supporting critical needs in the communities where employees of San Bernardino, Calif.-based Stater Bros. live and work, the reason for the offering is “to enable veterans, friends and family members the incredible opportunity to see their loved ones listed on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall. Many community members have not had the opportunity to travel to Washington D.C., to see the powerful display.”
Created two years ago, Stater Bros. Charities has provided funding to many local organizations and causes that benefit hunger relief, children’s welfare, education for youth and adults, services for the elderly, and care for veterans. Funds are raised throughout the year from customers, supplier friends, and Stater Bros. associates