Smart & Final Launches Rebranding Campaign
Smart & Final has unveiled a new branding campaign that more prominently highlights the ampersand in its name, an effort which aims to showcase the company’s relationship with both its customers and the communities it serves.
The rollout will include print, radio, television and outdoor advertising in selected markets and digital outreach through July 3.
“Smart & Final has a rich history and commitment of inclusion," said Smart & Final CMO Eleanor Hong. "The ampersand signifies many different components of our company including the partnership between our founders Mr. Smart & Mr. Final, treating our customers like friends & neighbors and serving as a warehouse & market."
Hong added that the rebranding will "ensure that customers know who we are, what we offer and what we stand for so that they can choose Smart & Final as their primary shopping destination.”
As the Commerce, Calif.-based retailer continues its robust growth plan in 2015, Smart & Final will open 14 additional new Smart & Final Extra! stores and complete three additional conversions of legacy stores to the Extra! Format.
As of the end of last year, the company operates 254 grocery and foodservice stores under the Smart & Final, Smart & Final Extra! and Cash & Carry Smart Foodservice banners in California, Oregon, Washington, Arizona, Nevada and Idaho, with an additional 14 stores in northern Mexico operated through a joint venture.