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SIAL Paris Surpasses Goal of 150,000 Attendees

Celebrating its 50th anniversary as the world’s largest agribusiness tradeshow, SIAL Paris 2014 surpassed its goal of attracting 150,000 attendees from more than 200 countries.

Held earlier this month, the show also saw the number of exhibiting companies from 105 countries rise to 6,500, an increase of 10 percent over the previous show. Exhibiting companies covered a gamut of food-related industries, including food manufacturers, equipment for food retailers and caterers, construction and maintenance, energy production and environmental waste processing.

The SIAL Innovation event drew 1,757 entrants of new products and 20 prizes were awarded. The show also played host to 150 official delegations and guests, such as French President François Hollande, Prime Minister Manuel Valls and Stéphanie Le Foll, minister for agriculture and government spokesperson.

SIAL Paris will next be held Oct. 16-20, 2016.                

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