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Senate Committee Approves Bill to Combat Meth

WASHINGTON -- The Senate Judiciary Committee here yesterday cleared a new bill designed to tackle the growing problem of meth production and addiction. The bill is now ready for consideration by the full Senate.

The legislation would require stores to sell Sudafed, Nyquil and other medicines containing pseudoephedrine only from behind the pharmacy counter. The ingredient has been used in makeshift labs across the country to make the dangerous drug crystal metamphetamine.

Also under the new legislation, consumers would be required to show a photo ID and sign a log. Additionally, they would be limited to 7.5 grams in a 30-day period.

The National Association of Chain Drug Stores (NACDS), which has worked closely with Senators Feinstein (D-CA) and Talent (R-MO) to help create what it sees as a "balanced" legislation, issued the following comments in a statement released late yesterday:
Recognizing this serious epidemic, many of our members have already taken steps to help stop meth abuse, some of which are limiting the amount of pseudoephedrine products sold or placing pseudoephedrine products behind a counter.

"Federal pre-emption was a key component to this bill. A uniform, national standard for the sale of pseudoephedrine is necessary for successfully stopping this problem. We are committed to a law that would include federal pre-emption; however we will continue to work with the Congress, the states, law enforcement and our members to ensure that future legislation would provide access to healthcare products for our patients while helping local communities and law enforcement combat the growing problem of meth production."
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