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Senate Ag Chairman to Address UFFVA's Washington Public Policy Conference

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- U.S. Senate Agriculture Committee chairman Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.) will address the United Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Association's 2005 Washington Public Policy Conference, Sept. 13 to Sept. 16 at the Washington Court Hotel here.

Chambliss will address attendees on Wednesday, Sept. 14, during the congressional lunch session, which will be held in the Senate Dirksen Building. During the event Chambliss will accept United's Congressional Leadership Award, which recognizes congressional leaders who have provided distinguished service in promoting policies and programs that support a healthy America and thus a healthy fresh fruit and vegetable industry.

A longtime advocate for the fruit and vegetable industry, Chambliss will focus his remarks such topics as the industry's role in shaping the 2007 Farm Bill, the importance of industrywide grass-roots activism, and his personal role as Senate Agriculture Committee chairman.

"United is honored that Sen. Chambliss has agreed to speak at our Washington Public Policy Conference," said United's v.p. of public policy, Robert Guenther. "He has one of the strongest records in Congress of fighting for the needs of the produce industry, and he will offer attendees unique, valuable insight into agriculture policy on Capitol Hill."
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