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RILA’s Top Priorities Include E-fairness, Cybersecurity

The Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA) has issued its 2014 Public Policy Agenda: Retailers Strengthening Communities. The agenda discusses the industry’s top public policy priorities for 2014.

“The fact is few industries have a greater impact on the U.S. economy and its consumers,” noted said Sandy Kennedy, president of Arlington, Va.-based RILA. “Public policy that intrudes upon the employer-employee relationship, tilts the playing field against Main Street retailers and stifles the industry’s growth, undermines retailers’ ability to invest locally. Conversely, when the environment is conducive to growth, entire communities can benefit from the retail industry’s success.”

Empowering Retailers

Added Kennedy, “RILA’s 2014 Public Policy Agenda focuses on priorities that policymakers can advance this year to empower retailers to continue to invest in their local communities and create jobs.”

The organization’s main public policy priorities are as follows:

  • E-fairness: Level the playing field for Main Street retailers, empower states to enforce existing tax laws via federal legislation
  • Tax Reform: Pass comprehensive tax reform to lower rates, broaden the base, and ensure equal treatment for all industries and businesses
  • Health Care: Protect retailers’ ability to provide quality, affordable coverage customized to meet the employee needs
  • Privacy and Cybersecurity: Bolster cybersecurity and consumer privacy through voluntary efforts and federal legislation that recognizes the need for flexibility and ongoing innovation
  • Labor: Prevent job-killing regulations that threaten the retail industry’s employer-employee relationship
  • International Trade: Pursue a trade agenda that lowers tariffs and other trade barriers internationally and in the United States, secure Trade Promotion Authority to ensure America’s ability to compete in the global economy
  • Swipe Fee Reform: Push reforms to promote transparency, innovation and competition in the electronic payments market
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