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RILA Ads Urge Congress to Keep Swipe Fee Reform

The Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA), has rolled out a national ad campaign urging Congress to protect debit swipe fee reform as the House prepares to vote on the Financial Choice Act. According to RILA, the legislation would roll back reform that has saved retailers and American consumers billions of dollars.

“We launched these ads to remind Congress that America cannot afford to bail out Wall Street and the big banks once again,” explained Austen Jensen, VP of government affairs and financial services for Arlington, Va.-based RILA. “As it stands, this legislation is a poison pill for any bipartisan effort to enact meaningful financial reform. Congress must act to uphold debit swipe fee reform, or it will give Wall Street and card companies license to raise costs on America’s retailers and our consumers.”

The ad campaign, the latest weapon in the trade group’s arsenal in its fight against the Financial Choice Act, has launched in key congressional districts across the United States.

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