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Retail Systems Alert Group, IHL Consulting to Co-produce Customer Service Summits

NEWTON, Mass. -- Retail Systems Alert Group (RSAG) yesterday formed a partnership with IHL Consulting to co-produce a series of regionally based summits in 2007 on the topic of customer service.

The summits, titled, "Best Practices in Customer Service Excellence," are six regionally based events that consist of two three-part series, to take place in cities throughout the United States in spring and fall of 2007.

"IHL and RSAG are highly recognizable names in the retail industry," said Brian Kilcourse, president and c.e.o. of RSAG. "Combining the brands and market knowledge of our two companies into one event series will provide instant credibility to the end user we serve."

Leveraging research and content from RSAG and IHL, each summit will offer a combination of custom content on-site, followed by key findings and actionable information provided post-event through special reports. In addition, each summit will enable peer-to-peer learning and networking opportunities.

The first three events will be held March 20 in San Francisco, March 21 in Los Angeles, and April 10 in Minneapolis.

For more information about these events, contact IHL Consulting at [email protected].
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