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Remke Markets Installs Entertainment Kiosks

Greater Cincinnati-area grocery chain Remke Markets has installed QUICKflick entertainment rental kiosks in its stores.

A product of Chicago-based Automated-X Inc., freestanding QUICKflick interactive kiosks allow customers to rent films while doing their regular shopping, providing immediate access to entertainment without having to either visit a rental store, order online or subscribe to other services.

“For the first three months of operations, we are very pleased with the performance of our kiosks at all Remke locations. QUICKflick offers advanced features, the latest in kiosk technology, and, as an independent, the ability to offer earlier availability of the newest releases. These features offer significant competitive advantages and tremendous value to our customers,” said Tim Regnier, Automated-X president and COO. “We are proud to partner with Remke Markets to provide shoppers with convenient, timely and affordable access to their favorite entertainment. Remke creates distinct customer experiences, which is why we find them to be a great host for our entertainment kiosks."

Founded in 1897, Remke Markets has 13 locations in Ohio and northern Kentucky.

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