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Red vs. Blue State Debate Enters Produce Aisle

California Giant is taking advantage of the wall-to-wall coverage of the presidential election by inviting consumers to cast their vote in a debate of true national significance - strawberries versus blueberries - for its #BerriesForPresident online campaign.

Offering cash prizes through a range of social media-driven promotions including Q&A sessions on Twitter, the company says it has received over 100,000 entries to date.

“We knew this would be a fun promotion during this time period, but had no idea how it would play nationally with consumers,”  said Cal Giant's VP of Marketing Cindy Jewell.

A “Twitter party” timed to coincide with the September 26 presidential debate generated almost 6,000 tweets in an hour and was trending third nationally, according to the company.

At this point it appears that red is ahead in the polls, with both sides sharing recipes, tips, and other agenda items to try and sway undecided voters. One can only hope that whichever berry wins, it’ll reach across the produce aisle to find a way they can all blend together.

California Giant Berry Farms is a leading provider of strawberries, blueberries, blackberries and raspberries.

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