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Pork Board 'Bzzs' Into Social Marketing Scene with Publix/Atlanta

In its first social marketing campaign initiative, the National Pork Board is working through BzzAgent - a word-of-mouth marketing firm -- to implement a “Pork Bzz” campaign exclusively with Publix Super Markets in Atlanta.

Unveiled Nov. 1 and set to run for 10 weeks, the new Bzz campaign targets Atlanta-based women aged 25-44 with children at home.

"Our goal of the Pork Bzz campaign is to increase pork consumption and positive pork perceptions among campaign participants," said Jarrod Sutton, NPB’s director of retail marketing. "After all, is there any better advertising than word of mouth?"

Sutton explained how the program works. “BzzAgent is a company that relies on everyday consumers to share information - or buzz - about products. Individuals who believe in honest, word-of-mouth conversations sign up to become bzz agents. Agents then get to discover and check out new products, services, books and other cool stuff. After experiencing a product or service, they share their honest opinions with people within their peer groups.”

After the 10-week campaign, the National Pork Board estimates that it will have reached 40,000 people. This grassroots initiative will further build the network of passionate pork advocates at the consumer level.
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