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PMA Forms Technology, Standards Share Group

NEWARK, Del. -- The Produce Marketing Association (PMA), based here, is starting up a common-interest group that will be devoted to sharing and advancing produce- and floral-related industry technology and standards issues.

"We are inviting members with a key interest in technology and standards to join this new common-interest group so they can share information and stay current with the pace of technology innovation in the industry," said PMA's president, Bryan Silbermann. "Our goal is to build an online community of industry leaders and others who are interested and involved with technology that impacts the produce and floral supply chains."

Topics to be addressed by the common-interest group will include RFID, data synchronization, traceability, unit of trade identification, and common case marking standards, among others. Plans call for beginning the group's exchange of information on the Internet early in January 2006.

The organization will begin enrolling interested members during its Fresh Summit convention and exposition in Atlanta, where enrollment forms will be available. Enrollment is also available on PMA's Web site,
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