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PMA Finds Four in 10 Consumers Buy Floral In Supermarkets

NEWARK, Del. -- Four in 10 consumers purchase flowers in a supermarket setting, with special occasions representing most of that activity, according to research released by the Produce Marketing Association here.

In a consumer survey conducted for PMA, 43 percent of households responded that they buy flowers at the supermarket. Of those, almost three-quarters (74 percent) said they make purchases for Valentine's Day, Easter, Mother's Day, Thanksgiving, or Christmas between one and six times a year. Almost two-thirds (65 percent) of those who said they bought for birthdays, anniversaries or sympathy, also said they buy one to six times a year.

Consumers said freshness, price, and convenience were the most important factors in their decision to buy flowers at the supermarket, at 42 percent, 36 percent, and 31 percent respectively. Significantly, when those surveyed were asked which factors they thought their supermarkets perform best on, price and freshness came in first, both at 34 percent; and convenience was close behind at 32 percent.

When consumers who purchase flowers at supermarkets were asked how much they spent on flowers for holidays, almost half (48 percent) said between six and fifteen dollars, while 34 percent indicated the $16 to $30 range. Similar to holiday supermarket floral consumers, almost half (45 percent) of those buying for birthdays, anniversaries and sympathy said they spend between $6 and $15 while 35% said they spend between $16 and $30.

Despite the obvious tie to occasions for purchases decisions, interestingly, 48 percent of households who make supermarket floral product purchases said they do so for "no special reason." According to the research, 37 percent of these "spur of the moment" floral buyers said they spend, on average, between $6 and $10 each time they make such a purchase, and 32 percent spend between $11 and $20.

Demographically, those likely to purchase flowers in a supermarket setting were people with household incomes over $75,000 per year at 56 percent, people 46 to 54 years of age at 51 percent, college graduates at 50 percent and women at 47 percent.

Four out of five consumers who purchase supermarket floral products for special occasions indicated they are most likely to buy arrangements, bouquets or bunches of fresh flowers. Of those who buy "for no special reason," 75 percent said they also purchase arrangements, bouquets or bunches of fresh flowers.

A floral track of educational workshops, a floral tour of a local distributor and retailers, and the "In Bloom" section of the innovative Fresh Ideas Marketplace on the exposition floor are all part of the floral offerings at PMA's 2005 Fresh Summit International Convention and Exposition, November 4-8, at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. For more information, visit PMA's website at

For the floral study, Opinion Dynamics Corporation conducted the national telephone survey of 1000 households during July 2005. The trade association said results are statistically valid, within a +/- 3 percent margin of error at a 95 percent confidence interval.
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