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OTA Launches Educational Institute

GREENFIELD, Mass. -- The Organic Trade Association (OTA) Friday launched the Organic Agriculture and Products Education Institute (OAPEI), a 503(c) 3 venture and received the first donation to support its work.

OAPEI's mission is to educate agriculturists, processors, consumers, students, academics, and other professionals about the attributes and benefits of organic agriculture and products. It will make efforts to reach special and diverse communities as they learn about organic agriculture and the products that fill this fast growing segment of food, fiber and personal care products, OTA said.

"It is the Institute's intention to implement specific, targeted educational activities that will expand the knowledge base about organic agriculture and certified organic products, and to promote information resources to enhance the amount of farmland under organic management and the integrity of the organic supply chain," explained Caren Wilcox, OTA's Executive Director and President of the Organic Agriculture and Products Education Institute.

For more about OAPEI or information about making a charitable donation to the new institute, contact [email protected]. The institute is working on a new Web site that will more fully explain its goals and projects.

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