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Nielsen First To Offer Convenience Store Sales Data in NACS Hierarchy

SCHAUMBURG, Ill. -- In a first-of-its-kind alliance, The Nielsen Company here will enable consumer packaged goods manufacturers and convenience store retailers to have access to c-store sales data classified according to the National Association of Convenience Stores' NACS) defined hierarchy of product categories.

Nielsen is the first to offer clients access to its convenience channel insights according to NACS category definitions, providing more clarity and consistent classifications, which will allow for more effective discussions between CPG manufacturers and convenience retailers.

"The new NACS category definitions will allow us to more effectively utilize industry insights due to a much more relevant description of the beer category," said Chuck James, director of category solutions at Milwaukee-based Miller Brewing Co. "We will now be able to better align with convenience store retailers on volume and share opportunities."

The NACS category definitions hierarchy, considered the industry standard, classifies convenience store SKUs within product category and subcategory definitions, such as premium, imports, or microbrews under the beer category. Developed over 20 years ago to organize sales and purchase information by merchandise category, the NACS category definitions serve as a framework for convenience store retailers and manufacturers to have effective discussions regarding market performance comparisons, and establish performance benchmarks.

According to Nielsen's Dan Sacco, s.v.p./client service. "We are committed to providing the most complete and representative view of the convenience channel available in the marketplace."

"The ability to compare product sales by store and by market is a critical, fundamental component in our members' sales plans," added Dae Kim, NACS' v.p./research. "The most efficient way for manufacturers selling their merchandise in convenience stores and retailers to prepare for joint success is to view Nielsen's high-quality information through the same lens. Reviewing Nielsen information presented in the NACS hierarchy allows manufacturers and retailers to make faster, more knowledgeable decisions."

NACS, the association for convenience and petroleum retailing, is an international trade association representing more than 2,200 retail and 1,800 supplier member companies.
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