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NGA Lauds U.S. House Passage of Patent Reform Bill

"NGA appreciates Chairman Goodlatte (R-VA) and the House Judiciary Committee for leading the charge in the U.S. House, and ultimately passing legislation that makes great strides towards reforming our broken patent system,” so said Greg Ferrara, VP of public affairs for the National Grocers Association (NGA), on the recent passage of the Innovation Act of 2013, a bipartisan patent reform bill aimed at curbing abusive patent trolls.

As the representative of a $131 billion dollar independent channel of the supermarket industry, NGA said it remains committed to working with both Chambers to protect grocers from erroneous patent abuse, and urges the U.S. Senate to follow suit.

“NGA looks forward to continuing its work with Congress and the retail community to strengthen protections for end users, especially as it relates to protection from frivolous litigation and abusive demand letters," Ferrara concluded.

The Arlington, Va.-based National Grocers Association is the national trade association representing the retail and wholesale grocers that comprise the independent sector of the food distribution industry.

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