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New Smithfield Website Invites Consumer Dialogue

Smithfield Foods, Inc. launched a new interactive website designed to communicate with consumers seeking more knowledge about the food they eat while also seeking to foster a deeper, more timely dialogue along with up-to-date information about the company’s related corporate social responsibility activities.

Designed to serve as a one-stop-shop for answering consumer questions and tracking data on specific sustainability programs, including the company's scorecard on environmental performance, animal care, food safety and quality, community involvement and employee health and safety, the website marks “an important step in elevating our commitment to accountability and transparency," said C. Larry Pope, president/CEO of Smithfield Foods.

As a sustainability leader in the food industry, the company has surpassed many of its fiscal-2016 CSR goals by Q2 2011:

-- Outperforming OSHA benchmarks for the meatpacking industry with a 4.66 injury rate -- 32.5 percent below the industry average.

-- Delivering 8.4 million servings of protein to food insecure families, compared to 1 million servings last year.

-- Food safety goals were met across the board, including zero recalls.

-- Achieving zero Notices of Violation (NOVs) at more than 90 percent of its facilities.

"Over the past decade, sustainability has taken hold at every level of our company, from our corporate offices to the farms. This new site will provide an opportunity to listen and respond more quickly, while offering more in-depth information on the actions behind our words,"
Pope added.

Smithfield Foods is a $12 billion global food company and the world's largest pork processor and hog producer. In the United States, the company’s most popular brands include Farmland, Smithfield, Eckrich, Armour and John Morrell.

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