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New Report Finds Higher Internet Usage, Computer Enthusiasm among Affluent Americans

New York -- As the rich get richer, they get online, according to The U.S. Affluent Market: The New Luxury Consumer, a new report by market research publisher Packaged Facts, based here.

Data presented in the report, from a survey of nearly 30,000 respondents, shows that 32 percent of adults overall use the Internet as their primary source of information, versus 42 percent among mass affluent -- one-person households with an income of $75,000-$149,000, or a two-or-more person household with an income of $100,000-$149,000 -- and 50 percent among highly affluent. Highly affluent consumers are defined as those with incomes above $150,000, regardless of household composition.

The report also finds that only 34 percent of adults overall have made a purchase online in the past 12 months, compared with 50 percent of mass affluent consumers and 57 percent of highly affluent.

"The U.S. Affluent Market: The New Luxury Consumer" features demographic and
psychographic information that clearly defines behaviors and attitudes among this population. The strategic shopping and emotional brand relationships that characterize these luxury consumers are featured along with historical and projected market data through 2008.

The report is segmented into four sections - Financial Management; Home, Auto, and Technology; Personal Shopping; and Travel and Leisure.
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