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NACDS Makes Organizational Changes

ALEXANDRIA, Va. – The National Association of Chain Drug Stores (NACDS) here said it has made several organizational changes to help the trade group focus as it faces new challenges and issues within the industry.

Bill Sittmann and Jim Huber have been named executive v.p.'s in addition to their existing responsibilities as c.o.o. and c.f.o., respectively. Sittmann will now oversee several departments of NACDS, including Strategic Alliances & Development, NACDS Foundation, Pharmacy, Policy & Regulatory Affairs, Legal, and Communications.

Huber, in his new role as e.v.p., will oversee the member programs and services, as well as the new-member relations department.

Mary Ann Wagner, formerly v.p., pharmacy regulatory affairs, was named s.v.p., pharmacy, policy & regulatory affairs. NACDS has realigned and merged the pharmacy operations department with the pharmacy regulatory and policy affairs department, for an integrated focus on pharmacy, the association said. Wagner will oversee the long-term strategy of the pharmacy operations group, as well as the regulatory policy and affairs group.

Fitz Elder, v.p., member programs and services, will enter a newly created position, v.p., member relations & chief member relations officer for NACDS. In this role Elder will work one-on-one with retail and associate members to better refine the relationship between the association and its members. Larry Lotridge, v.p., conference exhibits, will assume the departmental and supervisory responsibilities for the NACDS exhibits sales and registration activities.

Edith Rosato, in addition to her current responsibilities as s.v.p. of the strategic alliances and development department, will oversee the NACDS Foundation. Phil Schneider will serve as the Foundation’s president, in addition to his current role in the association as v.p., external relations, & program development.

After 16 years of service to NACDS and its members, Kurt Proctor, former NACDS Foundation president and s.v.p., pharmacy operations, has left the association to pursue new opportunities.

"Throughout his career with NACDS, Kurt played a significant role in the development of SureScripts and launched the NACDS Foundation," said Craig Fuller, NACDS president and c.e.o., in a statement. "We are very grateful for his commitment and dedication to the pharmacy profession."

NACDS represents the nation's leading retail chain pharmacies and suppliers, helping them better meet the changing needs of their patients and customers.
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