METRO Group's Future Store Deploys Generation 2 RFID System
RHINEBERG, Germany -- METRO Group's Future Store has completed the installation of a fully functioning EPC Generation 2 RFID (radio frequency identification) system that will be able to read multivendor Gen 2 smart labels.
IBM and Intermec Technologies completed the upgrade in a tight two-week time frame.
Core to the project was the upgrade of the existing standard specification IF5 RFID reader and IBM WebSphere device infrastructure and Premises Server software to fully functioning Gen 2 specification.
"This completes a further stage in our implementation of Generation 2 RFID," said Dr. Gerd Wolfram, managing director of MGI Metro Group Information Technology GmbH. "Again it has demonstrated IBM and Intermec's strong leadership in migrating quickly and seamlessly from our existing RFID systems to the ISO-based Gen 2 solution."
Pallets of goods labeled with Gen 2 tags received at the Future Store are scanned at the goods receiving-dock door portal by an Intermec IF5 reader. The reader uses the IBM RFID middleware to collect and filter data, execute business processes, and integrate the RFID information with software applications for ERP (enterprise resource planning) and warehouse management applications.
"Following this successful Gen 2 implementation at the Future Store, the next stage is to implement Gen 2 in Metro Group's distribution center in Essen," said Dr. Bernd Büker, IBM Business Consulting Services, retail industry executive. "Our clients want more intelligent, more sophisticated readers, so they can push processing to the edge of the network. Our software has helped them achieve this."
IBM and Intermec Technologies completed the upgrade in a tight two-week time frame.
Core to the project was the upgrade of the existing standard specification IF5 RFID reader and IBM WebSphere device infrastructure and Premises Server software to fully functioning Gen 2 specification.
"This completes a further stage in our implementation of Generation 2 RFID," said Dr. Gerd Wolfram, managing director of MGI Metro Group Information Technology GmbH. "Again it has demonstrated IBM and Intermec's strong leadership in migrating quickly and seamlessly from our existing RFID systems to the ISO-based Gen 2 solution."
Pallets of goods labeled with Gen 2 tags received at the Future Store are scanned at the goods receiving-dock door portal by an Intermec IF5 reader. The reader uses the IBM RFID middleware to collect and filter data, execute business processes, and integrate the RFID information with software applications for ERP (enterprise resource planning) and warehouse management applications.
"Following this successful Gen 2 implementation at the Future Store, the next stage is to implement Gen 2 in Metro Group's distribution center in Essen," said Dr. Bernd Büker, IBM Business Consulting Services, retail industry executive. "Our clients want more intelligent, more sophisticated readers, so they can push processing to the edge of the network. Our software has helped them achieve this."