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Meijer’s New Gold Line Plays Up Products’ Unique Origin

With consumers increasingly more interested in connecting a face with place when it comes to food, Meijer has launched a revamped version of its premium private label Gold brand, which now focuses on singular products offering unique stories.

Debuting this month, the product line, which the grocer says offers “unexpected and indulgent discoveries at affordable prices,” is a collection of original-recipe items that are either made by a local company within the Grand Rapids, Mich.-based food retailer’s five-state geographic footprint, or by a family-owned business. The lineup also features interesting foods native to a particular place or country.

“Meijer customers have great taste, and it’s our job to keep providing them with great-tasting food items,” said Ralph Fischer, group VP of foods for the 190-store family-held chain. “But we also want to offer them products that they won’t find anywhere else, and that’s exactly what Meijer Gold offers. We’ve traveled the globe and looked in small towns to source premium products that have a distinctive history, heritage or story.”

Noting that each of the 80 items found in the Meijer Gold line have a “tale to tell,” Fischer said the brand’s mustard is prepared from an age-old German recipe by a longtime Midwest company; the salsa comes from an acclaimed family-owned Southern California producer; and the cream pasta sauces are sourced from legendary Chicago restaurateurs the Mugnolo family.

Made with the finest ingredients and attention to detail, the product recipes are all unique to the regional retailer and offer a “promise of affordable excellence” that Fischer said is furthered by the brand’s mandate that every Gold product must have a distinctive story of origin that not only enhances the uniqueness of the product, but also reaffirms Meijer’s commitment to local communities, businesses and families.

Among the unique products that fall under the Meijer Gold brand are Champagne Dill Mustard, Sugar-Free Maple-Praline Syrup, Grilled Pineapple Chipotle Salsa, Smokey Mozzarella Cheese Spread, Porcini Truffle Tortellini, Crab Puff Pastries, Biscotti Munch Chocolate Caramel Cookies and Michigan Apple Cheesecake.

Positioned for food connoisseurs looking for more experience-rich foods, such as those born of family traditions, Meijer’s premium quality line is supported by appropriate packaging that highlights both the flavor and “golden” aspect of the brand, said Fischer. The line further features a recognizable gold seal and appetizing imagery that aims to tell a compelling story of the product’s origin to enable customers “to feel as if they are sharing in someone’s family tradition.”

The overhaul of its Gold line, which originally launched in 2005, is part of Meijer’s deepened desire to commit to, and connect with, regionally sourced foods, family-run businesses, and authentic and distinctive recipes. “Meijer Gold allows consumers to add a touch of flair to their everyday cuisine,” explained Fischer. “The brand’s distinctive products and flavor cues will turn an ordinary meal into a premium experience that will blow customers away without blowing their grocery budgets.”
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