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Meijer Reveals 'Black Friday' Deals Earlier

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. - In a bid to ring in merrier sales, Meijer Inc. here said it is rolling out its holiday ads earlier by releasing its special "Black Friday" sale prices a full 10 days before the Thanksgiving holiday.

"Thanksgiving weekend generates more excitement than any other shopping time of the year," said Meijer spokeswoman Stacie Behler. "Normally, retailers try their best to keep their special prices secret as long as possible. However, we are so proud of our great prices and special offerings this year, we just didn't want to wait."

Meijer, which is open on Thanksgiving, has unveiled three separate holiday ads of super savings so its customers won't have to wait to discover what they can save during the busiest shopping weekend of the year.

Effective on Monday of this week, Meijer ads for Thursday, Friday and Saturday can be found in all 181 Meijer stores, as well as on the retailer's redesigned Web site, and include more than 400 specific items with special holiday prices, many at more than 50 percent off. Meijer's holiday ads tell the story of this holiday's hottest wish-list items, loaded with electronics, jewelry and toys.

Beginning at 6:00 a.m. on Thanksgiving Day, Meijer is encouraging shoppers to stop in before kicking into full food-prep mode and begin their holiday savings on a variety of items, including:
-- A 32" high definition LCD TV, for $399.99, a $300 savings
-- A 3.5 inch GPS navigation unit selling for only $99.99, an $80 savings
-- A $50 Meijer gift card with the purchase of a silver iPOD Nano for $149.99
-- 75 percent off all 10 and 14 karat gold jewelry.
-- PS3, X360 or Wii Video Games priced $39.99 or less are buy one/get one at 50 percent off.

Meijer is also offering special sale prices on Black Friday from 5:00 a.m. until noon, and invites customers to check out its ads for hundreds of additional doorbuster deals on its Web site's "weekly ad" link.

Meijer operates 181 supercenters throughout Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Ohio and Kentucky.
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