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Massachusetts Stop & Shop Goes Wireless

DORCHESTER, Mass. -- As part of a trial, the Stop & Shop located at the South Bay outlet here has been offering free wireless Internet access for the past week. If the service proves popular, the chain plans to roll out WiFi in other units that offer café seating areas.

The test program is one of the chain's biggest stores, and comes as part of the retailer's "expansion into all facets of retail," said the Boston Herald.

"We see the demand in the Starbucks and the Panera Breads and the other outlets providing [WiFi] and thought, 'Why can't we do this?'" Mike Drumm, new ventures product manager for Stop & Shop, told the newspaper.

The wireless Internet access will permit shoppers to check e-mail, find a recipe, or communicate online within its in-store restaurants, Dunkin' Donuts outlets, or Citizens Bank branches. However, Stop & Shop vowed it wouldn't use WiFi to inundate shoppers' computer in-boxes with coupons and special offers.
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