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Independent Grocers See Slight Pre-tax Profits, Higher Gross Margins: Survey

BALTIMORE -- Independent grocery retailers reported a 1.94 percent net profit before taxes and overall store margins of 25.55 percent, up from 25.33 percent last year, according to the 2007 Independent Grocers Survey, released this month.

The survey covers industrywide trends in key issues such as profitability, consumer attitudes and influences, and cost pressures.

A collaborative effort between FMS Solutions and the National Grocers Association, the survey, in existence since 2002, aims to help independent retail grocers and independent supermarkets better understand how their store operations compare with national averages.

Additionally, the National Cooperative Bank, the primary lender to the independent grocer, has provided sponsorship.

"We have designed the survey to be as relevant and useful to our target market as possible by addressing the top six issues rated by independent grocers, which [are] Health Care, Minimum Wage, Taxes and Tax Policy, Supercenters, Labor/Employment, and Interchange Fees," said FMS Solutions v.p. Bob Graybill in a statement.

The survey can be ordered directly from the FMS Solutions Web site, Independent retail grocers and independent supermarkets can also sign up to be a part of the 2008 survey on the FMS website.

FMS Solutions provides about 1,800 independent retail grocer and independent supermarket operations with financial, accounting and consulting services such as industry benchmarking, best practices and mission-critical decision support.
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