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Hy-Vee Offers Seniors Free Drug Plan Guidance

Midwest grocery chain Hy-Vee Inc. and iMedicare have teamed up to deliver a new service for patients 65 and up that provides Medicare Part D plan comparison options in a consolidated report.

With Medicare open enrollment starting Oct. 15, Hy-Vee pharmacists will use iMedicare, a Web and mobile platform, to identify Medicare Part D plans specific to each patient and therapeutically equivalent alternatives that are covered by the patient’s insurance plan. Hy-Vee will offer the drug plan comparisons as a free service to its pharmacy customers.

“We are thrilled to announce our collaboration with iMedicare,” said Bob Egeland, Hy-Vee’s VP of pharmacy. “At Hy-Vee, we’re committed to putting our customers’ needs first. We believe this new platform will give our pharmacists the ability to better assist our patients and deliver an even higher quality of care.”

Iowa-based Hy-Vee Inc. operates more than 235 retail stores across eight Midwestern states with sales of $8.7 billion annually. 

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