Grocery Innovations Canada Opens
TORONTO -- The eighth annual Grocery Innovations Canada (GIC), which opened yesterday and runs through today, has attracted over 6,000 independent grocery retailers to the Toronto Congress Centre to see and sample thousands of new products, identify trends, and decide which items merit shelf space, said show organizers.
The show is presented by the Canadian Federation of Independent Grocers (CFIG), a not-for-profit association representing 3,800 independent and franchised grocers across the country.
During the event CFIG is rolling out Destination Canada and Access Ontario, a grocery retail strategy enabling attendees to connect with local area food producers and processors throughout Canada.
Activities include the third annual Best Canadian Bagger Contest store, which will pit employees from coast to coast against each other for the honor, with the winner eligible to represent Canada at the International Best Bagger Finals in Las Vegas.
Awards will also be presented at GIC, including the Canadian Federation of Independent Grocers' Spirit of the Independent Award to Jim Pattison, and the Canadian Independent Grocer of the Year Awards during the 45th Annual Grocery Distributors Dinner, which is held at the conclusion of the show.
The show is presented by the Canadian Federation of Independent Grocers (CFIG), a not-for-profit association representing 3,800 independent and franchised grocers across the country.
During the event CFIG is rolling out Destination Canada and Access Ontario, a grocery retail strategy enabling attendees to connect with local area food producers and processors throughout Canada.
Activities include the third annual Best Canadian Bagger Contest store, which will pit employees from coast to coast against each other for the honor, with the winner eligible to represent Canada at the International Best Bagger Finals in Las Vegas.
Awards will also be presented at GIC, including the Canadian Federation of Independent Grocers' Spirit of the Independent Award to Jim Pattison, and the Canadian Independent Grocer of the Year Awards during the 45th Annual Grocery Distributors Dinner, which is held at the conclusion of the show.