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GMA Commends FDA on Consumer Recall Search Engine

The Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) welcomed the launch of the US Food & Drug Administration’s (FDA) new consumer-friendly website for food and other product recalls, which is designed to help consumers access product recall information.

“It is critically important during a recall for consumers to have the information they need to protect themselves and their families,” said Pamela G. Bailey, GMA president and CEO. “FDA’s new consumer-friendly Web search engine for recalls will help give consumers quicker and easier access to that information. The agency should be commended for its work on this important project and for its ongoing commitment to enhancing the strength of our country’s food safety system.”

She continued: "The United States has one of the safest food supplies in the world; however, it is inevitable that product recalls will occur from time to time. Food and beverage companies take the recall of any product very seriously. When a recall does occur, our companies are committed to quickly and accurately providing the public with all of the relevant information about the recall and the products involved.”

Based in Washington, D.C., the GMA represents more than 300 leading food, beverage and consumer product companies. It helps its members produce safe products through a strong and ongoing commitment to scientific research, testing, and evaluation and to providing consumers with the products, tools and information they need to achieve a healthy diet and an active lifestyle.




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