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Game On!

No matter what the final matchup may be in Super Bowl XLVII, in-store delis are true contenders for consumers’ SOS – share of stomach – through the playoffs and on game day.

Food and football – at least, food and football game viewing – have long walked hand in hand, and supermarkets traditionally begin gearing up for the NFL championship game shortly after they start discounting holiday merchandise. In the United States, Super Bowl parties are a big deal, especially with 110 million-plus viewers expected to tune into the game (and the perennially popular commercials and celebrity halftime shows) this year.

To make bigger gains with shoppers, whether they are planning big blowout parties or just having a few family members or friends over to watch the game, delis can go on the offensive with relevant products and promotions, ranging from munchies like dips and chips to classic sub sandwiches to service counter favorites like ready-to-eat or heat-and-eat chicken wings, ribs and sliders.

In addition to utilizing manufacturers' promotional materials, retailers can get creative as they put their in-store deli in a key starting position to capture shoppers’ attention and sales ahead of Super Bowl weekend. If the end zone is profitability during an otherwise-quiet time of the year, deli leaders can be effective quarterbacks.

Meanwhile, as NFL fans prepare for big Feb. 3 kickoff, retailers can work on their game plan with a roster of new products and promotions for early 2013. Read more about those products and promotions in this month’s Deli Decisions.

Winging It to Victory

Here’s a fun fact: Super Bowl Sunday is the high point of the year for chicken wing consumption. According to the National Chicken Council, Americans consume about 1.25 billion wings on Super Bowl Sunday. So no matter who scores the most points on the field, supermarket deli operators can expect victory by boning up for game day.


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