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Florida's Wynn's Market Debuts Online Grocery

Specialty grocer Wynn's Market, based in Naples, Fla., has signed on with Digital Foodie to launch a home delivery and store pickup service.

Foodie's personalized online grocery platform will provide Wynn's customers with a modern online ordering service via a cloud-based platform that includes product data, branded and customized website and fulfillment tools for efficient order collection, store pickups and home deliveries. The heart of the service will connect Wynn's Market's large inventory to Digital Foodie's "core," to enable behavioral recommendations for building strong consumer connections that increase loyalty.

As one of the first grocers to begin online sales in the Naples region, Tim Wynn, owner of Wynn's Market, said the alliance with Digital Foodie – whose sophisticated technology platform surpasses that of large national chains – "gives us competitive advantage over our competition."

Wynn's Market customers will be able to create baskets and order either online or with their mobile devices. Customers can choose the most convenient pickup or delivery time as well as modify their orders until the order has been selected for picking.

"Independent retailers face fierce competition and with limited resources creating an online service that is better than Amazon is not easy," said Kalle Koutajoki, CEO of the Helsinki, Finland-based Digital Foodie, which he describes as "the world's only fully behaviorally personalized online grocery platform. By providing our platform as a hosted solution to independent retailers," Koutajoki continues, "we are confident that we are able to make them relevant and also increase their reach and sales."

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