eMeals, Health Coaching Platform Team on Disease Management Options
Digital meal-planning service eMeals has joined forces with Pack Health, a health coaching platform for chronic disease management, to offer health-focused meal plans.
Now Pack Health members have access through the eMeals app to weekly meal plans meeting their health needs, making healthy meal choices that address their chronic disease issues easier and more convenient.
Among the health-focused meal plans available through eMeals are Heart Healthy, Diabetic, Low Calorie, Low Carb, Quick and Healthy, Keto, and Paleo. Pack Health will work with members to figure out the best plan for their particular conditions and provide ongoing support to improve nutritional habits. The service is free for eligible Pack Health members.
Each week’s meal plan features a grocery list that merges all ingredients needed for the week’s dinners, simplifying shopping and eliminating extra trips to the supermarket. Lists can either be self-shopped directly from the eMeals app, or sent to Walmart, Amazon, Kroger, Shipt or Instacart for curbside pickup or delivery. Additional advantages include no more time-consuming meal planning activities, a database of 20,000-plus recipes, and lower grocery spend because of the efficient use of ingredients in each week’s plan.
“Nutrition and diet play a key role in improving chronic conditions and overall health, but it can be a challenge to adopt and sustain new eating habits,” said Forrest Collier, CEO of Birmingham, Ala.-based eMeals. “Our meal plans essentially put the process on auto-pilot. This partnership makes it easier for Pack Health members to not only get on the right eating track, but also stay there.”
“Six in 10 adults in the U.S have a chronic disease,” added Mazi Rasulnia, president and CEO of Pack Health, also based in Birmingham. “Poor nutrition can contribute to the problem, and time, effort and access to healthy foods are some of the biggest barriers our members face. This partnership with eMeals enables members to overcome these barriers with access to weekly meal options that directly improve their health and well-being.”