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Eating More Produce Could Prevent Cancer: Study

An estimated 20,000 cancers could be prevented if half of all Americans just ate one more serving of fruits and vegetables daily, a recent peer-reviewed study published in the Journal of Food and Chemical Toxicology has found.

The study also looked at potential cancer risk from pesticide residue on produce, concluding, “The overwhelming difference between benefit and risk estimates provides confidence that consumers should not be concerned about cancer risks from consuming conventionally grown fruits and vegetables.”

“[D]espite the recommendations of the government, health experts, consumer advocates and environmental groups to eat more conventional and organic fruits and vegetables, consumption has stagnated in recent years,” noted Tom Nassif, CEO and president, Western Growers Association; Bryan Silbermann, CEO and president, Produce Marketing Association; and Tom Stenzel, CEO and president, United Fresh Produce Association in a joint statement issued in response to the research. “We are hopeful that the simple and powerful message this study conveys of how important it can be to add even a single serving of produce to our diets will have a positive impact on consumers.”

Continued Nassif, Silbermann and Stenzel, “This study clearly illustrates that the key message for consumers is to choose either conventionally or organically grown fruits and vegetables with confidence, but remember to eat more for better health.”

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