Cub Foods to Add Coupon/Recipe Kiosks
MINNEAPOLIS -- Supervalu's Cub Foods division based here will add Customer-Facing Media's Touch 'n Save kiosks in 55 Twin Cities-area stores by the end of the month, which will allow grocery-store patrons to print coupons, recipes and shopping lists.
After the Cub Foods roll-out is complete, Customer-Facing Media said it expects to see its products surface in 543 additional stores either owned or supplied by Eden Prairie-based Supervalu, according to press reports.
The kiosk firm said it anticipates having its kiosks in 2,000 stores by the end of next year.
After the Cub Foods roll-out is complete, Customer-Facing Media said it expects to see its products surface in 543 additional stores either owned or supplied by Eden Prairie-based Supervalu, according to press reports.
The kiosk firm said it anticipates having its kiosks in 2,000 stores by the end of next year.