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Consumer Reviews by Email

Consumer rating and review social network RateItAll now allows users to post reviews – such as comments about their experiences at grocery stores -- to the RateItAll database via e-mail.

No RateItAll account is needed to post a review via email; users simply send an e-mail to [email protected], and indicate the topic of the review in the subject line and the star rating in the first line of the e-mail body. The rest of the review, including images, is entered into the body of the message. RateItAll then posts it and assigns the review to the correct category.

Grocers can benefit by encouraging their customers to share their positive shopping experiences on the site, since they can in many cases submit their positive review right then and there via their mobile device. But watch out, it works the other way around, as well.

Following are some reviews of Meijer from the site, as an example:

User Rating: Five Stars (Great)
I really like I've ordered quite a few products there and have consistently gotten good deals. Items have always arrived sooner than the website indicates. I feel comfortable ordering from them because you can just bring the item back to one of their stores if you don't like it. I believe they also have free return shipping but I have never tried it.

The Meijer stores around my part of Michigan are really big, but always clean and uncluttered. Help is typical for one of the big box retailers although the employees always try to help you if you've managed to find one. Overall I rank Meijer at the top of my list for these types of stores.

User Rating: Five Stars (Great)
I just bought a crib from them and it was shipped in no time and in perfect condition, plus I got free shipping!! The communication with them it was great and I knew what it was happening with my order all the time. I highly recommend this seller.

To see all of the Meijer Reviews, click here:
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