Change is Good
Change never comes easy, but in the world of marketing, change is constant. People change, and thus products – or at least the way they’re perceived – change too, to fit consumer lifestyles. And so it is with pork. In the past few decades, we’ve come to fondly refer to it as “the other white meat.” But now it’s time for a 21st century upgrade, and the National Pork Board has smartly chosen, “Pork, Be inspired.” Indeed, today’s consumers want to be inspired with new ways to enjoy food – and if a recipe is healthy and relatively quick to prepare, even better.
The Pork Board’s new, fully integrated campaign features an updated look and feel, along with a new consumer target: the more than 82 million Americans who already cook, eat, and love pork. The campaign begins rolling out this month, and includes national consumer advertising, public relations, social media, and promotions by state pork associations. A full section of will be dedicated to introducing retailers to the new brand positioning, and providing resources to assist them in including the new brand in merchandising materials. Point-of-sale materials will be available, including an ironman sign, poster, and recipe brochure. All marketing elements showcase are designed to inspire new ways to enjoy pork more frequently, with a range of easy to prepare meal options.
And while change is in the air, food industry executives should consider pondering findings of several of the latest studies on consumer shopping behavior. One such study, conducted last year by Midan Marketing and Shugoll Research, finds that consumers compare going to the meat department to visiting the dentist or being alone in a cave. Ouch! “The opportunities that exist for you are huge,” Midan principal Danette Amstein told retailers during the recent 2011 Meat Conference in Dallas. Read on to find out a few solutions proposed by researchers.
Finally, keep your eyes peeled for a new addition to the Stagnito Media family. Next month Progressive Grocer’s parent company will launch “Hispanic Retail 360 Magazine,” a quarterly publication serving the retailer community across all trade channels. Meat execs will no doubt find new ideas here about how to serve the ever-changing Hispanic population in the U.S.