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Cannondale's ShopperDNA Gauges Effectiveness of In-store Marketing

Marketing and sales management consulting firm Cannondale Associates has developed an analytical process and methodology for successfully evaluating in-store marketing communication. The approach measures not just activities, but also results, targeting shopper response in addition to financial ROI vs. industry benchmarks.

Measuring the effectiveness of in-store marketing is a crucial concern, since metrics have focused on activities instead of results. Wilton, Conn.-based Cannondale has devised a quantitative, attitudinal, and behavioral-based solution to gauge shopper response and ROI among various in-store marketing vehicles and tactics. Quantitative results are offered by marketing objective, vehicle, time of year, placement, and message.

The ShopperDNA process incorporates four fundamental metrics: demand through brand/communication awareness and engagement, changes in attitudes and intent through the right communications, activation through an immediate product purchase, and repeat or sustained change in consumer behavior. Among the key benchmarks are trial, source of volume, and performance by shopper segment.

With a fragmented traditional media, marketing dollars gravitating to retailers, and purchase decisions increasingly made in-store, a proliferation of in-store marketing and communication vehicles, including TV, carts, signage, and architecture, is now available for CPG companies to help raise awareness, affect attitudes, and change behavior, thereby growing s
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