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California Bans Trans Fats from Restaurants

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger Friday signed legislation making California the first state to ban restaurants from preparing food with trans fats.

The Trans Fat Bill (AB 97, Mendoza), which will be phased in starting in 2010 across the state, follows a bill Schwarzenegger signed that banned artificial trans fats in food served at public schools.

The California Restaurant Association, which opposed the legislation because it believes such laws should be made by agencies such as the FDA, said its members will comply with the new law, and that many already are.

The challenge before him now, according to the California Center for Public Health Advocacy, is to continue to show national leadership and commitment to health by supporting SB 1420 (Padilla), the menu labeling legislation which the group said will deliver more consumer benefits that the “sham alternative bill promoted by the fast food lobbyists (AB 2572).”
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