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Boulder Region Whole Foods Shares Story Behind its Offerings

Whole Foods Market’s Rocky Mountain Region is introducing a comprehensive in-store program to engage shoppers in the story and values behind its food. Called “Good Food Matters,” the program was developed with Boulder agency Vermilion.

“We recognized an opportunity to bring consumers deeper into the narrative and value of Whole Foods Market,” said Ben Friedland, executive marketing coordinator for the Whole Foods Rocky Mountain Region. “Bringing extraordinary quality food to your table is a commitment that we take very seriously. We have direct relationships with the farmers and producers behind your food. We know where it was raised, how it was treated, and we’re able to choose local partners whenever possible. Good Food Matters captures these core values that are shared by both our business and our shoppers.”

The Good Food Matters visuals and messages aim to engage consumers with in-store signs and take-home touch points like shopping bags and butcher paper. Supporting the business’ employee training, back-of-the house signage and department-specific apron cards encourage employee pride and advocacy by sharing unique facts and story points related to Good Food Matters.

“It’s about distilling the compelling story Whole Foods Market already owns—and adding personality to the telling,” according to Vermilion’s creative director, Paul DesRosiers. “With expanding competition in the natural grocery space, we wanted to engage shoppers in how truly unique the Whole Foods Market promise is. We've all heard the 'whole paycheck' line, and aside from being hyperbole it overlooks the really incredible value and values you find in the partnerships and products at Whole Foods. We want to help shoppers have the language to express why their grocery choice makes a positive difference and aligns with their values.”

Whole Foods Rocky Mountain Region includes stores in Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico, Utah and Idaho. Austin, Texas-based Whole Foods Market operates 349 stores in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom.

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