Bison Producers to Convene in Harrisburg, Pa.
Members of the Eastern Bison Association (EBA) will convene in Harrisburg, Pa., March 11 for the association's 15th annual winter conference at the Harrisburg East Holiday Inn.
Interest in this alternative agricultural venture has many farmers looking to diversify. The EBA is offering a unique opportunity for the serious, as well as the curious, to take a look at the bison industry.
The event will feature a seasoned lineup of speakers, including Ken Klemm, a bison producer from Goodland, Kan., has been raising bison for 23 years and who will present a session on "What's Important for a Successful, Profitable Bison Operation,” while Lee Graese of Rice Lake, Wis., who owns and operates a slaughter house and a bison ranch, will discuss "The Opportunity To Raise Grass Fed Bison.”
Gail Griffin, who along with her husband, Dave, owns a bison operation in Winona, Minn., and who has served as president of the National Bison Association, will address "Marketing Grows the Herd,” while Dr. David Wolfgang, Penn State Extension veterinarian, will address "The Changing Perceptions of Animal Agriculture: Does Animal Well-Being Matter to You?”
Live bison will be on display for the 15th Annual Eastern Bison Association Show and Sale held at the PA Farm Show Complex on Saturday, March 12, 2011. The sale is open to the public at no charge.
Pre-registration is required to attend the main conference; special pricing is available for prospective bison producers and their families.
For more information and registration forms go to or call Tupper Sverduk at 717-817-8480.