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Apple Sauce Does Double Duty

Disabled former Chicago police officer Jim Mullen, shot while in the line of duty in 1996, is taking a passing homage to his mother to Kickstarter in the hopes that Officer Mullen’s Chicago’s Finest Applesauce will achieve national distribution. A portion of the proceeds of the apple sauce supports the Chicago Police Memorial Foundation.

Mullen, who is paralyzed from the neck down, first sought a small-batch co-packer to produce and package his mother’s apple sauce recipe so that she would see the product on the shelves of her grocery store, Happy Foods, Chicago. Mullen’s lark delighted his mother, but also ignited a fan base for her apple sauce. The company describes the apple sauce as “Like apple pie without the crust.” It’s currently available in a few hundred stores in Illinois, as well as stores in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Michigan and Wisconsin.

View Mullen’s Kickstarter video:


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