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Anti-Wal-Mart Group Asks Consumers, 'Are You Living Better Yet?', a labor-backed group that bills itself as "America's campaign to change Wal-Mart," yesterday launched the first in a series of videos asking Americans: "Is Wal-Mart making your life better?" The campaign slogan is a jab at the retailer's own current tag line in light of its pattern of sourcing products from overseas.

"Wal-Mart talks a good game about saving Americans money and improving their quality of life, but all those press releases don't amount to much when every day we see good manufacturing jobs shipped overseas so Wal-Mart can import 70 percent of its goods from China, scores of dangerous products being pulled from shelves, the company's carbon emissions skyrocketing, despite its claims to 'go green,'" said Meghan Scott, spokesperson for "In this time of economic uncertainty, Americans need to take a hard at where they're spending their hard-earned dollars, and ask themselves, 'Am I living better yet?'"

The video can be viewed at
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