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AMI: Burgers, Hot Dogs Top List of All-American Foods

Washington, D.C. -- Sixty-four percent of Americans say hamburgers and hot dogs are the foods they associate most strongly with America, topping both chicken and pizza, according to findings of a poll conducted by the American Meat Institute.

Backing up a commonly held belief that Americans clearly relish their meat, "The data affirms that hamburgers and hot dogs are more than just a nutritious, favorite food -- they are Americans icons," said AMI spokeswoman Janet Riley, pointing out that Uncle Sam was a meat packer.

Hamburgers captured the lead spot, with 44 percent of Americans saying they were the most "American food," followed by hot dogs, which nabbed 20 percent of Americans' votes. Eighteen percent of Americans named chicken, while 15 percent named pizza.

Americans eat 20 billion hot dogs a year, and in celebration, July is National Hot Dog Month. In July alone, Americans devour two billion tube steaks. In comparison, Americans consume an average of 62 pounds of beef per year, with 40 percent consumed as ground beef.

The polling was conducted May 17 to 19, 2005 by Opinion Dynamics Corporation, which conducted telephone interviews with 900 consumers.
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