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Aisle7 Debuts In-Store iPad Solutions for Self-Service and Store Staff

Aisle7, a provider of wellness-driven shopper marketing programs for food, drug and supplement retail, has launched two new in-store applications for the Apple iPad.

These iPad applications include Aisle7 In-Store, a self-service wellness program for self-care and food departments, and the newly launched Aisle7 In-Store SalesPad, a reference and training application for sales associates that covers supplements and self-care. These applications provide retailers with solutions to engage and educate shoppers on complex product categories.

“We’ve had great success over the past 12 years providing Aisle7 In-Store on traditional kiosk platforms and are now bringing our experience to the innovative iPad,” said Dr. Skye Lininger, CEO of Aisle7. “This complements our full range of kiosk offerings with a small-footprint, cost-effective option, in a package that has been proven to enhance staff performance and increase customer satisfaction while boosting department sales.”

Aisle7 In-Store is featured in over 2,000 retail locations on other hardware platforms and studies have proven it to increase basket size by up to 39 percent, according to the vendor. Both applications feature touch-screen interfaces designed to make it easy to find practical self-care recommendations for specific health conditions and goals. Every page is printable, giving shoppers action-oriented shopping lists to find products and drive sales. Retailers can apply their own branding and custom campaigns to the applications to align science-based health and wellness content with their unique marketing calendars.

Both products will be demonstrated for the first time at Natural Products Expo West today.

Aisle7 is also previewing new Facebook concepts on the show floor of Expo West developed to help retailers and brands tackle one of the biggest challenges in Facebook marketing: creating compelling wellness content that stimulates conversations. In booth No. 1816, Aisle7 will demonstrate of new tools that help retailers find, share, and create conversations with fans. Aisle7 is also hosting a Facebook seminar—Facebook Marketing in a Box—5 Steps to Build a Thriving Community—on Saturday, March 12, from 2 to 3 PM in room 205A.

For more information, visit

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