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ACNielsen Homescan MegaPanel Expansion Now Complete

SCHAUMBURG, Ill.--ACNielsen U.S. said yesterday it had completed the expansion of its Homescan consumer panel, the end of a two-year initiative that has more than doubled the size of the consumer packaged goods (CPG) industry's leading source of consumer and shopper insights.

The expanded panel is now at 125,000 households. As a result of the MegaPanel expansion, existing Homescan services have been significantly enhanced, numerous new, innovative client solutions have been launched, and more are planned for in 2006 -- all designed to provide marketers (both manufacturers and retailers) with unprecedented new insights into consumer and shopper behavior.

Procter & Gamble Associate Director of Global Market Measurements, Chuck Cramer, said, "This panel provides us a more robust sample to enhance our analysis and understanding of consumer purchase dynamics. It has also given us an improved ability to understand non-covered channels."

The panel expansion, along with major investments in Homescan's data collection processes and output infrastructure, has enabled ACNielsen to introduce a host of new solutions to address the most important issues facing today's CPG manufacturers and retailers, including: category management and retail shopper insights; more detailed insights into fast-growing retail channels including dollar, warehouse club, home improvement, pet stores and other specialty retailers; analysis of over seven million shopping trips, which identifies the "need states" that drive consumer shopping occasions; a complete understanding of the private label buyer, assessing how effectively retailers are driving shopper penetration, spending and loyalty with their store brands; analysis of retailers' performance within the custom geographies where they compete; and the addition of 29 new markets brings to 52 the number of markets where market-specific Homescan analysis is available.

Several specialty panels will be available in early 2006, including a beauty/personal care service; Homescan Consumer Segments, a suite of services which will deliver insights into the unique attitudes and, shopping and purchasing behavior of important consumer segments including households with babies, young children, teens, baby boomers and seniors.
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